For the last 7 years, I've lived in Warner Robins, Georgia and struggled at times to acclimate to this place. From Georgia Bulldog Fever, a much smaller town and being in the difficult years of life trying to successfully parent teenagers, it has certainly had its trying times. This blog started a little over three years ago and my intent was to challenge myself to live fully right here in Georgia right when I am presently. As a recent book I am reading from Matthew Kelly reminds me, we can always challenge ourselves to be a better version of ourselves which means sometimes we move forward but at times truthfully we backslide.
Cancer has been a real wake up call for me. As I look right inside and outside my own home just like Dorothy I need to stop and appreciate what God has placed before me right now. So no promises that I won't one day move back to Florida but I want
to say some nice things about Georgia and my life today.
Starting right in and outside of my own home. I am incredibly blessed with a wonderful husband 27 years of marriage August. He has been in my life since I was 17 and I cannot devote enough words to all that he is faithful, hardworking, honest, dependable, positive, helpful... he is is truly an extraordinary individual and one of the greatest gifts that God has ever given me. I should never have a single day of feeling sad or sorry for myself with this man in my life! My children still do send life's little surprises but as they are growing I am having glimpses of the people they might and hopefully do ultimately become. Have I done everything right? No! But neither have I done everything wrong. I am learning to accept with serenity that who they become is more dependent on their choices and what I truly believe is their acceptance and understanding and cooperation of what God wills for their lives. I am just one of many instruments that may or may not influence this outcome. I have been blessed to see that they each love me and show me in their own and unique ways that they do value me and want to keep me around!
Outside in Georgia right now you will hear many complaints about the pollen but every Spring Georgia puts on the most beautiful show of flowers that blesses my soul each and every day! Dogwoods, wisteria, Bradford Pear trees, azaleas and cherry blossoms to name a few. It is always a reminder to me of God's majesty and creativity as each year rolls around bringing life a renewal at the same time as Easter is announcing the wonder, joy and promise of new life in Christ our Savior. One of my favorite Bible verses speaks to me about the beauty God sends us each Spring and the value he places on us."Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wild flowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them." Mt 6:28-29. It does not matter where I go in this life as God has created a wonderful and beautiful world.
My faith has ultimately been everywhere I have lived a place for refuge, peace and stability. Yes, I am Catholic, yes this is the deep South and sadly many here view Catholics with suspicion almost as if we were part of some cult. I can say with certainty that I truly love and value what my Catholic faith has to offer wherever I go. I have lived in New Hampshire, Connecticut, Florida and now Georgia. I have visited Germany, Italy and Mexico and wherever I have gone I have walked through the doors of Catholic churches and appreciated the familiarity that comes with being Catholic. I know how each and every service proceeds whether I speak the language or not. The word Catholic means "universal." It is the faith that traces its history back to the apostles and we do read the Bible at each and every Mass which is what we call a church service. I don't have to worry about shopping for churches when I move as I can count on this wherever I go.
Lastly, I will say that I am most thankful here in Georgia being a part of a wonderful neighborhood, community and especially my church community at St Patrick's in Kathleen. These elements are very intertwined. Many of my very closest friends I have met here right in my own backyard are also members at St Patrick's. Although it has taken time, St Patrick's is the first place I think of beyond my own family when I need support as I have and still do facing and fighting cancer. I can count on prayers from many and an overwhelming feeling of love and peace every time I walk through the doors for church or some other event. Lest some of you reading this blog think you are not included, my neighborhood extends beyond the Brantley and St Patrick's where I have been surrounded by many wonderful friends that came through my children, through many years of cheerleading and Bill's work at Frito Lay. I would also be remiss in not mentioning the joy that I have experienced by teaching swimming during the summer and the many in the community who have trusted their children to me. I can't wait till I can get back to doing this as my swim kids and parents are the absolute best and each and every day I work, they are the ones who teach me and give me a special purpose.
Lastly, I will say that I am most thankful here in Georgia being a part of a wonderful neighborhood, community and especially my church community at St Patrick's in Kathleen. These elements are very intertwined. Many of my very closest friends I have met here right in my own backyard are also members at St Patrick's. Although it has taken time, St Patrick's is the first place I think of beyond my own family when I need support as I have and still do facing and fighting cancer. I can count on prayers from many and an overwhelming feeling of love and peace every time I walk through the doors for church or some other event. Lest some of you reading this blog think you are not included, my neighborhood extends beyond the Brantley and St Patrick's where I have been surrounded by many wonderful friends that came through my children, through many years of cheerleading and Bill's work at Frito Lay. I would also be remiss in not mentioning the joy that I have experienced by teaching swimming during the summer and the many in the community who have trusted their children to me. I can't wait till I can get back to doing this as my swim kids and parents are the absolute best and each and every day I work, they are the ones who teach me and give me a special purpose.

So here's hoping that this post has done a little to eradicate all the negative things you've heard me say about Georgia and my last 7 years in Warner Robins. Things are not so bad. Even cancer is not so bad. It's given me a chance to have some real perspective and true to what the radiologist doing my biopsy told me in February, I am learning to live in the here and now and to take things one day at a time. Hopefully, I will find the way today to be the best version of myself and to truly appreciate all that God blesses me with each and everyday.
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