I find myself in the midst of Lent. Despite my good intentions, it has been a long winter. One where I have often felt unmotivated and one in which I have all too often lacked the dedication and devotion toward living and practicing my Faith. I love my Catholic Faith with its traditions and devotions that constantly beckon me back to amend my life and to rededicate myself to the God in whom I never lose faith.
However my own guilt often paralyzes me. I look to my failings and feel unlovable. I wonder how God can love someone as imperfect as me? I feel so inadequate...I look to the ways that I frequently chose to avoid those tedious responsibilities cleaning, cooking and grocery shopping. Also, I look to the ways in which I allow my anger to drive me to complain against another or wish that someone whom I know to be "wrong" gets what is coming to him or her...are these the thoughts of someone living in Christ's light?
I know in God lies all direction so why do I drift away and become less than God would have me to be? Why can I not just set myself right? Then, there it is just like the first buds of Spring or the robin bouncing across my still brown lawn, God is there calling me back and slowly I allow myself to accept that I am loved. I remember the many people of faith that God has used to do great things that were at points in their life similarly imperfect Peter, Paul, St Augustine and knowing that though I am unlikely to ever be a saint, I consider the possibilities that God can love and forgive even me in my imperfections.
Over the weekend, I attended a Cursillo formation in preparation to work on an upcoming weekend in our diocese. Just a few short months ago, I was so energized and directed in my faith life why do I allow myself to fall away from this point of Grace? This weekend as I sat in a beautiful little church in the Middle of Nowhere GA, I realized that Satan is on the other side pulling me away from the joy and happiness that God wants for me. Being again in the presence of many other strong believers and hearing their testimony, I am again rededicated to move forward in my faith journey or in Cursillo terms to live my 4th day.
The words from today's Psalm speak to my heart ...
"A clean heart create for me, God; renew in me a steadfast spirit.
Do not drive me from your presence, nor take from me your holy spirit.
Restore my joy in your salvation; sustain in me a willing spirit." Ps 51:13-14
Once again I resolve, to rededicate myself to living in Christ and embracing this time of Lent as a time to prepare myself for the joy that is coming at Easter and to those who believe. Thank you God for loving me and always forgiving me. Thank you for allowing me to experience the freedom of a new life.
Welcome to my blog. Started in 2009 it is my faith based perceptions on life experiences both past and present. God gave us each gifts I'd like to think that writing is one of mine so here is the place where I try to better perfect this "gift" and share what wisdom I have gained in 40 plus years. Once I am gone it will be my legacy for my children to reflect on what would Mom think about that!