A familiar prayer. Apparently one of the oldest Bible verses known to existence as this inscription was found on silver scrolls dating back to 7 B.C. Also known as the priestly blessing. Isn't it amazing what you can learn and see through the Internet?
Yesterday's thoughts revolve around being a light. Today this blessing which is used throughout Judeo Christian tradition talks about the Lord shining his face upon you or the recipient of this blessing. Is this what will allow me to grow? The sun shining upon growing things is necessary to their growth. So will my being more open to God and his face shining upon me facilitate growth in my own life? How must I allow myself to see and receive this light? Thinking like a plant I must allow my roots to anchor me. I must stretch my leaves upward. I must not take in too much or too little. Wow! that thought could take up pages.. from nurturing my physical health or over scheduling or allowing worry to stunt my growth.
How can I open myself to receive this light. The Bible tells us that God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts in Galatians. So I must nurture more of an inner life. I remember the pastor at our church telling us after 9/11 that evil too originates in the human heart. How do I resist this which is contrary to God's plan and instead allow God's Spirit alone to direct my path?
Today Catholics are asked to attend mass in honor of the Feast of the Solemnity of Mary. Catholic honor for Mary is not well understood by many especially those outside of the Catholic faith. So here is an opportunity for understanding. Today, we honor Mary as the Mother of God. Though young, poor, a woman and humble, she was chosen by God above all others to be the human Mother of our Savior, Jesus Christ. What an honor! Can we not all learn something from her as God saw her fit to participate in his plan for salvation? Though not fully understanding, she trusted in God through Jesus' birth, ministry and death. Is she not the ultimate disciple and what is so difficult to understand about why she is honored? Today's reading from Luke tells us of the shepherds visit to the manger and of Mary it says simply, "And Mary kept all these things,
reflecting on them in her heart."
This heart can teach us all. How can we hope to be more loving and trusting in our own lives? When we reach toward God and allow his love to grow in our own hearts by being open to his word, seeking his guidance and acknowledging the blessings that we have each and every day with joy and gratitude. Help me to be thankful and receive God's peace more each day.
Please pardon the rambling nature of my blogging, I will work on better cohesion as I continue this journey. Thank you to those who are open to sharing this with me.
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