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Academy of the Sacred Heart-Grand Coteau Louisiana |
After a single year, I chose instead to return back home to the private school where I had gone since the first grade. My father was bitterly disappointed in my choice and as a result I lived with my mother and had limited contact with him throughout the remaining 2 years of high school. On Sunday's when I would attend mass, my father refused to speak with me and I felt lonely, isolated and alone at the church where I had grown up. As a result, I began attending church with my mother and grandmother. I was welcomed here and even visited by the minister and invited to become a part of this community which had always been a second faith home to me. Yet in my heart I was a Catholic as that had always been my identify. Eventually, my father forgave me and encouraged me to return to church which I gladly did.
For college, I ended up at the University of Florida. I initially began faithfully attending mass at the nearby church and Catholic student center. I did not however become involved in student ministry and over time my attendance at mass became more sporadic. The same year I started UF, I met a boy from my hometown named Bill whom I soon realized was the one I would spend my life with. Having watched my parents marriage struggles over religion, I had always hoped that I would marry in the church. Again through the grace of God, I had found the most wonderful person who too had been raised Catholic and so church membership was never an issue. During our last year of college as we prepared to marry in the church, we both got caught up on our sacraments by being confirmed. In 1986, Bill and I were married at the Cathedral of St Jude the Apostle the church where I had grown up in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Just over a week after Bill and I were married, we packed up my 1970 Ford Torino and moved north. Bill would be working for Frito Lay in New Hampshire and I would be attending law school in Boston. Moving to New England was quite a culture shock. We knew no one. Having just received the sacrament of Matrimony one of the first places that we went was the nearby church in the town of Derry, New Hampshire where we settled. From this first point and throughout our marriage in almost every community where we have lived the Catholic Church has been and continues to be a place of belonging. That belonging however has grown from a place to attend mass fairly regularly and on Easter and Christmas to a place that defines who I am and why I am here. In those early years of marriage, I was far more preoccupied with studying for a career and worrying about buying a home and where I would take my next vacation than I was with knowing God and his will for my life.
Fast forward to 1990, Bill and I had moved to Connecticut where our lives revolved around our careers and future plans for having a family and buying a house. In our new community, we did not establish the same ties with any parish. There were 2 close by and I cannot remember the name of either. One had air conditioning, one did not and where we went, when we went which I know was far less frequent, was more defined by what season of the year it was. In April of that year, I had just learned I was pregnant when I received a call from my Grandma telling me that my mother had been admitted to an intensive care unit at a hospital in Florida. I was on a plane the next morning and within days I was having my mother removed from life support, flying to Memphis, Tennessee where she was to be buried and planning a funeral. An unexpected death reminds us that we are not in control. I believed and do believe that my mother is with God but losing her that year changed my life and my priorities.
To start with, we moved back to Florida. Someone had to look out for my Grandmother who was 85 and suffering the onset of Alzheimer's. I am an only child as was my mother so that left me. Bill and I left our careers and lived with family for over 3 months until he went back to work once again with Frito Lay. In November 1990, our son, Will, was born. As is often the case following the birth of a child, faith reemerged and took on new meaning having seen during a single year both death and new life. Our parish became a central place of our life. We attended mass regularly and baptized our son. For myself, I wanted to pass onto my children the sense of faith that I had been given and I wanted them to grow up with one faith in their hearts. Another change was that I had no interest in returning to a law career despite the many years spent achieving that goal. I had a new understanding that life was not forever. I wanted to spend my days raising my son who was the joy of my life.
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Found memories of kids during their ACA days |
By 2004, teenage years arrived and my son graduated from the 8th grade. He has significant learning challenges and the local Catholic High school would not have been a good fit for him. I tried homeschooling him and then public school and neither option seemed to be a good fit. About that time, Bill and I began to contemplate a relocation to Georgia. Maybe moving to the country and a simple life living in the Bible belt would be better option for our kids and for us financially. Maybe we could save money and send them to public school? We of course did take that relocation and move to Warner Robins in 2006. Once here we found that both nearby churches were far smaller than our former parish. St Patricks was closer so we started attending there.
From 2006 until 2010 Fall when I made my Cursillo seemed to be a time of constant turmoil. Teenagers are difficult! Our lives revolved around trying to keep them busy and entertained with sports and socially. We made friends mostly through our neighborhood, Bill's work and cheerleading. We attended St Patrick's regularly on Sundays and our 2 oldest attended confirmation class but we did not live in the bubble that we did when they were younger. We quickly questioned everything about this move especially schools and the new friends they were making. By 2008, we decided that Emily, my middle child, belonged back in Catholic school so she was enrolled at Mount de Sales. The following year I made the decision to enroll my youngest there as well with the hope that they would both graduate and flourish in a more disciplined environment. Being that Macon is 30 minutes away and that we were not members of St Josephs, we did not have the same experience that we had with Catholic school in Florida. Emily did much better academically attending there but her sister struggled. We enjoyed the sports and school events but we did not experience the same connection that we had in Florida especially spiritually. At the end of Katie's(my youngest's) first year, she had not completed the 8th grade satisfactorily and was denied to re enroll for the 9th grade. She had passed the grade and could move to 9th at another school just not Mount de Sales. I was willing for her to repeat the 8th grade but was told it was against school policy. I decided to homeschool her rather than put her back in public school. This was another big disappointment.
My first 4 years in Warner Robins had felt like a roller coaster. I longer for the serenity that I had felt back while living in Florida and the spiritual support I had felt at my former parish. I had heard about Cursillo and Ultreya and knew Julie Eby from my neighborhood so I signed up to go knowing I needed something different in my life. I cannot forget the joy that I experienced on this weekend. Prior to coming I had started this blog that I entitled, "Grow Where you are Planted." When I heard that in Cursillo, we talk about blooming where you are planted it all made sense why I was there and it confirmed that this is where God wanted me to be.
I think many of us wish we could stay on the weekend forever. Well maybe not in the bunkhouse with the hard beds and snoring but definitely in the Spirit. I guess that is why so many of us have chosen to serve on team. I left feeling on top of the world and I could not wait to go back. Yet back in the world we must go. And as it goes, it was not one month from my Cursillo weekend when we faced another bombshell. My daughter Emily was forced to withdraw from Mount de Sales in October of her Senior year following a minor disciplinary incident . Once again, I felt devastated. Here I was trying to more forward in faith and learn to accept where I was and the circumstances of life and here was yet another blow in very long line of blows relative to raising the teenagers. Yet somehow, it was different. I had started grouping as part of the 4th day and I had not just friends who would listen but friends that helped me put it into a spiritual perspective and prayed with me and for me.
I remember when I went to my first group meeting at Julie Eby's house. I felt like the youngster in the bunch. I was the only one with kids still in school and I had trouble initially relating to those sharing about their grandchildren. That was one surprise that I definitely did not need from my already wayward teens! Yet something told me. This is where you belong there is much wisdom here and you can learn from them. Sometimes when I brought up things that were bothering me that I knew were petty in nature I knew I had much maturing that I needed to do in my faith. This group challenged me and accepted me and I finally had a place and spiritual sisters to gather with regularly to help me grow in my faith.
Even though I was gung ho to serve on team I did not do so until this past Fall. I was going to do the Spring right after my weekend in 2011 but there was a lot going on in my life and so it seems for several of the weekends after that. I was hoping to serve last Spring but then another curve ball came my way, cancer. Even though I count myself as a person of faith and know that my life belongs to God, I was so afraid. I started back to daily mass something that I had not done since boarding school. Here, not surprisingly were other Cursillistas whose faith inspired and strengthened my own. I can't help it but I've got to talk about Bec and Ed again. Bec who had just walked a similar cancer journey was there with a faith and strength that I wanted for myself. Ed looked out for me but was also especially concerned for my husband in his role as my caretaker. Daily mass was my lifeline. I had also started volunteering with RCIA . This part of the St Patricks community rallied around me as well and prayed with me and for me. I became part of their study when Father Eric administered me with the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.
As I had said, I wanted so much to be a part of the Cursillo last Spring. Ann who was the Rectora had invited me. Arlene and Denise both from my group were on that weekend. Jim was the deacon, Bec was on team and Stephanie from RCIA was a candidate. Bec and I had gotten to know each other better in the early part of last year. She had come to my first chemo and brought a stuffed clown to cheer me up. I kept hoping that I would feel well enough to volunteer at the last minute but I was in between chemo 4 and 5 and just didn't. I did feel well enough to go for closing and I could tell from that what a wonderful weekend I had missed. I vowed to do the next one. Bec spoke of the cursillo following the weekend saying that she had felt that she needed to give back after coming through her own cancer journey. I'll never forget her saying that she felt like she had done what God was calling her to do just following the weekend. It was not long after that we learned that her cancer had reoccurred.
From June and onward despite having 2 surgeries I began to feel better. I committed myself to serve on team and contacted Lawanda once I felt certain that I was well enough to do so physically. I told her in earnest I will do whatever you tell me. I was even prepared to serve in the kitchen even though I really don't see that as my primary apostolate. When Lawanda emailed and asked me to do the Layperson talk, I was honored but as I read the suggested text, I did not immediately connect. All the wisdom from the longtime cursillistas guided me as Deacon Ken and Katee told me I could make this my own. So I sat down and let the Spirit guide me and he did. I was able to create something that helped me to grow in my understanding and which I hope also spoke to those candidates making their weekend. I also as I was preparing my talk was guided by Denise and Arlene and by Bec as well as I sat with her one afternoon in the Tuscan Room at her home and practiced asking her what she thought of my talk. Bec so loved this ministry. It was just a few weeks before the woman's weekend this past October when she entered hospice. As many of us were there, I know that we felt a special connection as Cursillistas during this time of prayer and waiting for God to take Bec home which he did just days before the woman's weekend.
How Blessed am I? Thoughts while visiting Sydney, Australia November 2013 |
It has also given me a strength and peace that I did not have last January as I confronted the uncertainty of my diagnosis. I know as do all who have had cancer that it may come back. Yet living and growing in my faith each day gives me the peace that I am endeavoring to do God's work and that my life is ultimately in his hands. I am better able to turn the troubles that I have and face in life over to God trusting that he can and will take care of whatever challenges I face if I just trust in him. At the end of last year, I thought to myself how blessed am I and knew in my heart that I was indeed blessed because God has taught me how to trust him and I can confidently say I am counting on Christ today and always....de Colores!