Seems appropriate to take the time on New Years Eve to review the year and to take stock of where I am at this point in my journey. Also this is the point when others ask us and we ask ourself..what are my resolutions for the year ahead? I am terrible about living up to resolutions whatever they may be but still it seems almost wrong not to set some goal to better myself in the year ahead. But what to chose? At this point, it seems appropriate to chose something that will allow for me to better myself as a human being and to focus on what will make me a better person.
So what am I choosing? I am hoping to grow in my sense of gratitude for what blessings I have been given in this life. One of my many deficiencies is that I do not take stock of all that I am blessed with. I am easily caught up in focusing on the negatives or what I don't have. This mindset all too often paralyzes me and reduces life to a struggle to just survive and get by.
I have been introduced to the concept of gratitude repeatedly but this is a concept and practice that I have trouble keeping especially when the circumstances of my life or those whom I love turns sour. I want to be a more joyful person but this requires an attitude shift from victimized by circumstances to blessed with abundance. Some of this mindset comes from my upbringing but this is no excuse as I am an adult and capable of making different choices.
So as with any goal the first step is choosing what I want to focus on. It is important that it not be so lofty that at the first sign of trial, I will give up and resort to negativism. I have to also remove my tendency toward insisting on perfectionism and throwing in the towel at the first bump in the road. Next, I need a plan. My plan is to work on deepening my appreciation of my blessings by daily reflection and bible study and prayer. I need to ask for God to help me often throughout the day for the grace to be aware of all the many blessings especially those that I don't attach much significance to and to see all the ways I am blessed in this life.
Some other ways of reaching this goal will include making a time at least once per week to journal and blog and record how I am doing in pursuit of this goal. I am resolving to dedicate at least one post per week to that which I am grateful for instead of merely blogging in response to that over which I am struggling. As I look back at my posts this past year, a good many focus on things of sadness or trial but I can still see others that point to a determination to dwell on the positive. True it has been a year of trials and changes. Still it has also been a year of blessings too so I will conclude this post with a sense of gratitude for just a few of the blessings in my life this year.
First, my family is all healthy and alive. We have a beautiful home. We have had opportunities each of us to work and be productive. We love one another. My children are moving forward in their lives educationally and looking with expectation to achieving accomplishments in the time ahead. We have had the opportunity to travel and see and experience new things. We are blessed materially. We have a wonderful church community and have had opportunities this year to grow in our sense of faith. Put this way in a few lines gives me a glimpse into how truly blessed I cup is indeed half full!